We are now in the midst of a long quiet period without any significant precip in the forecast until after this coming weekend. Conditions in the Park are generally good everywhere for winter ski travel and for climbing above treeline. We have broken out the Kettle Ponds - Rum Pond Trails connecting Abol Pond to the Roaring Brook Road. This 3.5 mile trail link provides skiers the opportunity to travel from the west end of Abol Pond to the Roaring Brook Road without skiing on the Park Tote Road, which is open to snowmobile traffic. About 2.5 miles of this link is currently in good shape for skiing with a pull sled, but about a mile of the Rum Pond Trail remains rough and I wouldn't recommend it for skiing with a load at this time. With a little more snow the trail should be a nice alternative, and shorter, than skiing the Tote Road to the Togue Pond Gate and then turning up the Roaring Brook Road to reach the bunkhouse at Roaring Brook Campgound. I would recommend that skiers take the segment of the Kettle Ponds Trail between Abol Pond and the Park Tote Road. We will be sure to post the news on this blog when we have the trail in better shape.
Rangers are now working to haul materials and supplies from Roaring Brook to Chimney Pond and from South Branch Pond to Russell Pond. We hope to see you in the Park during this wonderful time of year.